Snapshot of

Title: Chicago Law School, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago Illinois -- legal education
Description:The John Marshall Law School, an ABA accredited law school in the South Loop of Chicago, Illinois, offers J.D., LL.M. and M.S. degrees -- as well as Continuing Legal Education, or CLE -- in the following programs: Advocacy and Dispute Resolution, Employee Benefits Law, Fair Housing Law, Intellectual Property Law, Information Technology and Privacy Law, International Law, Global Legal Studies, Tax Law, and Real Estate Law
Snapshot Date: 2015-04-18
Image Height: 1504 Pixels

HTML Analysis

Google Page Speed

Google Page Speed provided a score of 63 after loading 59 resources across 4 hosts.

42679 163278 683681 372516 --


At the time of the snapshot, the W3C Validation service reported this content was abort.

Source Errors Warnings Accessibility

Dom Analysis

There were 681 total dom elements in this page at the time of analysis.

Tag Count
a 189
abbr 1
body 1
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comment 27
div 121
em 1
form 2
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h5 2
head 1
html 1
img 23
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li 148
link 10
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script 14
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strong 25
title 1
ul 35


  • author = The John Marshall Law School
  • description = The John Marshall Law School, an ABA accredited law school in the South Loop of Chicago, Illinois, offers J.D., LL.M. and M.S. degrees -- as well as Continuing Legal Education, or CLE -- in the following programs: Advocacy and Dispute Resolution, Employee Benefits Law, Fair Housing Law, Intellectual Property Law, Information Technology and Privacy Law, International Law, Global Legal Studies, Tax Law, and Real Estate Law
  • google-site-verification = QqNq_hSWms7EizIXgm0iIr6hE60IQ-X-uVAJJLg_oP8
  • keywords = law school, Chicago, Illinois, loop, accredited, LLM, MS, JD, juris doctor, continuing, legal, education, higher education, cle, legal education, colleges and universities, advocacy, dispute resolution, information technology, intellectual property, ip, information technology, tax law, employee benefits law, international, comparative, global legal studies, 
business and trade law, privacy law, fair housing, real estate law, admission, career, job placement, financial aid, 
curriculum, courses, classes, register, pass the bar, financial aid, tuition, scholarships, review, legal journal, legal writing, lawyering skills, faculty, academic programs, application, Chinese, international, distance education, health law, sustainability
  • revisit-after = 7 days
  • robots = all

Technical Analysis

Web Server

Todo: List relevant http_headers (x-generator,x-powered-by,via) and metatags (generator)

Server Response Headers

  • connection = close
  • content-type = text/html
  • date = Sun, 19 Apr 2015 05:09:09 GMT
  • server = Apache
  • vary = User-Agent,Accept-Encoding
  • x-powered-by = PHP/5.2.17


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  • tld = EDU
  • created = 1992-08-27
  • changed = 2014-07-11


  • base = http://WWW.JMLS.EDU
  • host = WWW.JMLS.EDU
  • original = http://WWW.JMLS.EDU
  • scheme = http