Snapshot of
Organization: King University
Title: King University: King
Description:King University is a Presbyterian, doctoral-level comprehensive university. Founded in 1867 as King College, the University offers more than 80 majors, minors, pre-professional degrees and concentrations in fields such as business, nursing, law, medical and health sciences, pharmacy, education, and humanities. Graduate programs are offered in business administration, education, and nursing.
Snapshot Date: 2015-04-19
Image Height: 1589 Pixels
HTML Analysis
Google Page Speed
Google Page Speed provided a score of 77 after loading 46 resources across 5 hosts.
HTML | CSS 8 | IMAGE 42 | JS 9 | TOTAL |
57529 | 213058 | 711745 | 1347199 | -- |
At the time of the snapshot, the W3C Validation service reported this content was invalid.
Source | Errors | Warnings | Accessibility |
W3C | 10 | 2 | N/A |
Tidy | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Dom Analysis
There were 548 total dom elements in this page at the time of analysis.
Tag | Count |
a | 181 |
b | 8 |
base | 1 |
body | 1 |
br | 1 |
comment | 16 |
div | 136 |
form | 1 |
h2 | 4 |
h3 | 12 |
h4 | 5 |
head | 1 |
html | 1 |
iframe | 1 |
img | 33 |
input | 6 |
li | 108 |
link | 8 |
meta | 6 |
p | 9 |
script | 8 |
span | 5 |
title | 1 |
ul | 11 |
- description = King University is a Presbyterian, doctoral-level comprehensive university. Founded in 1867 as King College, the University offers more than 80 majors, minors, pre-professional degrees and concentrations in fields such as business, nursing, law, medical and health sciences, pharmacy, education, and humanities. Graduate programs are offered in business administration, education, and nursing.
- generator = TYPO3 4.7 CMS
- google-site-verification = 1VKCI58UrSB277TvL6RgiHFkevQREMXzQ5_mZh1TR4w
- keywords = private, college, christian, online, graduate, degree, education, Presbyterian, academics, athletics, bristol, business, colleges, community, health, king, learning, majors, medicine, school, science, sciences
- robots = index, follow
Technical Analysis
Web Server
Todo: List relevant http_headers (x-generator,x-powered-by,via) and metatags (generator)
- Server: Apache
- Apache/2.2.22 (Win32)
Server Response Headers
- cache-control = max-age=7200
- connection = close
- content-type = text/html; charset=utf-8
- date = Sun, 19 Apr 2015 12:19:20 GMT
- expires = Sun, 19 Apr 2015 14:19:20 GMT
- server = Apache/2.2.22 (Win32)
- set-cookie = fe_typo_user=9228b4d322c02ee380eb597cd2721e23; path=/
- vary = Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
- ipv4 =
- name =
- tld = edu
- created = 1997-04-09
- changed = 2014-07-07
- base =
- host =
- original =
- scheme = http