Snapshot of
Organization: University of Houston-Downtown
Title: Welcome to the University of Houston-Downtown!
Description:Excellence. Opportunity. Diversity. That's what you'll find at UH Downtown, Houston's Downtown University. UHD is a public four-year university, offering a wide variety of bachelor's and master's degrees. UHD's dynamic campus is located in downtown Houston, easily accessed from all major freeways.
Snapshot Date: 2015-04-19
Image Height: 888 Pixels
HTML Analysis
Google Page Speed
Google Page Speed provided a score of 60 after loading 41 resources across 6 hosts.
HTML | CSS 3 | IMAGE 35 | JS 11 | TOTAL |
45623 | 55007 | 212293 | 202252 | -- |
At the time of the snapshot, the W3C Validation service reported this content was invalid.
Source | Errors | Warnings | Accessibility |
W3C | 8 | 4 | N/A |
Tidy | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Dom Analysis
There were 557 total dom elements in this page at the time of analysis.
Tag | Count |
a | 201 |
body | 1 |
br | 16 |
comment | 101 |
div | 40 |
font | 1 |
h2 | 3 |
h3 | 7 |
head | 1 |
html | 1 |
img | 15 |
li | 157 |
link | 3 |
meta | 9 |
noscript | 4 |
p | 8 |
script | 18 |
span | 2 |
strong | 29 |
style | 1 |
table | 3 |
td | 12 |
title | 1 |
tr | 4 |
ul | 20 |
- author = University of Houston-Downtown, Public Affairs
- company = University of Houston-Downtown
- copyright = Copyright (c) 2008 University of Houston-Downtown
- description = Excellence. Opportunity. Diversity. That's what you'll find at UH Downtown, Houston's Downtown University. UHD is a public four-year university, offering a wide variety of bachelor's and master's degrees. UHD's dynamic campus is located in downtown Houston, easily accessed from all major freeways.
- keywords = university of houston-downtown, UHD, downtown, houston, gators, public university, texas,, best, excellent
- language = en
- robots = all
Technical Analysis
Web Server
Todo: List relevant http_headers (x-generator,x-powered-by,via) and metatags (generator)
- Server: Apache
- Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
Server Response Headers
- connection = close
- content-type = text/html
- date = Sun, 19 Apr 2015 12:39:52 GMT
- node_id = W
- server = Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
- x-powered-by = PHP/5.2.9
- ipv4 =
- name =
- tld = edu
- created = 2000-07-17
- changed = 2013-11-22
- base =
- host =
- original =
- scheme = http